Monday, June 8, 2009


Went out with some ppl to simei... for dinner...
took some pics... ya... and talk talk abit....
the end...

[News Flash][Loacl]
'Calibrated approach' needed?
Foreign VS local debate

- An employer too spoke up in favour of foreign workers, and complained about the high turnover rate of local workers. ( ya right, they re cheaper and better)
- Foreigners are important and contribute( thats what the MP says la, whether anot they will 'contribute' in a good way its hard to determine)
- Argue that permanent resident had the same or even more benfits than locals ( Why shuld they have the same benfits as us the SINGAPOREANS... sianz then what's the difference of being local ornot when the governments care more abt u-noe-who)
- Singapore can survie without foreginers ( depends... high certificates de i can accept, but some really... ZZzz)

In his responses, Mr Gan underlined the need for balance between keeping foreigners to boost Singapore's economy and keeping jobs for Singaporeans.
Mr Gan said: 'We need to manage and strike a calibrated approach. Foreigners are important and contribute but we must always find ways to help Singaporeans compete.'


'Inside jobs' a threat
Disgruntled employees have access to data; some staff unwittingly misuse information

A poll in Europe of 600 workers released in April backs this up: 1/3 had no qualms selling out their companies for the right price.

Almost 9/10 said they had access to valuable company secrets and 2/3 believed they would have no problem smuggling the data out.

Similar cases were happening in Singapore...

Conculsion : Mus learn how to hack,hacking is useful.

Growing the 3Es

Last time
3Ms - MediShield, Medisave and Medifund.

3Es - ElderShield, Eldersave and Elderfund.

Elderfund helps the elderly poor pay their hospital bills.
ElderShield is insurance for severe disability.
Eldersave is a new concept to help the young set aside enough Central Provident Fund money to provide for their old-age health-care needs.

When the 3Es are fully in place, Singaporeans will be able to age with peace of mind, and have access to good and affordable long-term care, be it at home, in a nursing home or in a community hospital - Said Mr Khaw

Refering to the next artical that i will be saying,
do u think:
1stly - Will we live that long? ( more and more elderly will commite sucides and commit crimes like what is happening in Japan, a highly developed country, which may probably happen to Singapore as populations ages.)
2ndly - (related the the next article) Can they ensure that we are able to 'protect' ourselves when we are old.
3rdly - By the time we are old enuf for that(i meant eligible for using it), will it 'really' help?

More elder abuse cases
Most common are physical abuse and neglect; financial abuse also on the rise

Ms Helen Ko, executive director of the Centre For Seniors, said: 'When people are under pressure and financially strapped, there is a higher chance they will neglect the elderly.'

Mr Wong Lit Shoon, chief executive of the Singapore Action Group of Elders Counselling Centre, said calls to the centre were down by about 1,000 last year, compared to the more than 7,000 calls it received in 2007.

Callers request medical aid as well as report abuse.


Aussie presses dairy subsidies

The US Agriculture Department said in late May it will subsidise about 92,000 tonnes of dairy products headed for the world market to help US farmers hit by plunging international prices and trade volumes, the first time in 5 years it will use its subsidy programme.

Australia and neighbouring New Zealand, both major dairy exporting countries, have led protests against the moves.

Cairns Group ministers urged WTO members to not follow US's 'lead' by doing the same thing.
*The Cairns Group is an interest group of 19 agricultural exporting countries, composed of Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Paraguay, Peru, the Philippines, South Africa, Thailand, and Uruguay.

Recently USA is gg protectism. WORLD BE CAREFUL~

Yuan as reserve: Russia
CHINA'S yuan could become a world reserve currency in the next decade, Russia's finance minister said on Saturday, as Moscow seeks to whittle away at the U.S. dollar's dominance.

But China's yuan is still not fully convertible, could that 10 years for them to liberalise ecomony and make yuan convertible.
IF, IF succeeded China's yuan may be a new world reserve currency.
But it involves some big steps in terms of governance, controls, etc
Can china handle it?.... hhmmmm...

China and Russia, the world's No. 1 and No. 3 biggest holders of foreign exchange reserves, have expressed unease about the volatility of the U.S. dollar and called for discussions on ways to create rival reserve currencies.

Seeing how the impact of the greennotes(USA's $$$), maybe its time to open up to other new world reserve currency, reducing reliance of GREENNOTES.

Is the role of USA being the leader of the world changing to China or Russia, or is it that China and Russia are trying to reduce the 'power' of USA or maybe CHINA AND RUSSIA are trying to take the lead in the encomoy? who noes... sianz theses countries sure have lots of 'actions' and 'things to 'talk'.

[Next and LAST]
Indian students rally in Sydney

SYDNEY - Indian students marched through central Sydney, to protest recent attacks that have generated outrage. It has become a diplomatic headache for Australia.
*noting that Australia is an increasingly popular study destination with students from around the world. In 2007, over 455,000 international students enrolled in courses in Australia. India is the 2nd largest number of international students studying there.(63,604 studentS)

About 200 students chanting 'end racist violence now' made their way through the city, following a wave of assaults on students that Indian media have dubbed 'curry bashings,' with headlines such as 'Australia, land of racists.'

'We are also trying to raise the message about the reasons why this violence is occurring and why international students, in particular, are being victimised.'

Fears the protest could turn violent after police had to break up a similar demonstration in Melbourne last week proved unfounded, with authorities not reporting any incidents.

Bollywood's biggest labour union said last week that its members would refuse to work in Australia until attacks on Indian students ceased.

The issue came to a head late last month when student Sravan Kumar Theerthala was left comatose after being stabbed with a screwdriver by gatecrashers at a party.

Actually there are always racism in every country and towards every international students, but it really depends how serious it can get. Truthfully, other countries racism were even worst off than Australia's, but its jus that the victims did not rebuke YET, maybe this incident may become a warning to other countries to step up on sercurity and think of ways to 'protect' them maybe? Or maybe a headstart of more cases of international students from other countries protesting?

*noting that many overseas universities depend on revenue from foreign students and as they see India as a great catchment area. Even countries like USA and UK are also trying they best to attract indian students to study in their countries.

First, Indian universities do not have the places to accommodate all those who apply, especially in professional courses. For a country of more than 1.1 billion people, there are only 400 universities and last month, more than 311,000 candidates took the entrance examination to win one of the 6,872 places in the seven Indian Institutes of Technology and a few other institutions.

Second, because of India's caste-based reservation system, about 50% of places - or as high as 69% in the southern state of Tamil Nadu - are reserved for students from underprivileged and backward castes. So a large number of bright students belonging to the upper castes do not get places in courses and institutions of their choice.

Third, overseas education is perceived to be superior to that provided by most Indian institutions and is valued highly in the job market.(who doesnnt think that overseas educated are better than local de lei Zzz)

Fourth, unlike in the past when Indian students went to overseas universities only if they were assured of a scholarship, now middle-class parents are willing to support their children's education in universities abroad and banks provide educational loans at attractive interest rates. (how is wish my parents will do that)

*Something interesting that i found,
Choices of courses:
Indians students - medical, engineering and computer-related courses. (fewer than 800 engineering PhDs annually whereas about 400 Indians win these PhDs from US universities alone *impressive*)
China students - business administration and management, followed by computer science and information systems, medicine, nursing and health services

Im always envied students able to go overseas to study.
So conclusion - MONEY IS KING
Questions to all:
If,IF i say,IF u have money(minus qualificaions), which country u wan go and wat course u want to study?
I will say mine in the next post.

Other minor news
[1st China gay pride week starts]
[Asian ties vital
Small nations like S'pore need to strengthen links with regional partners like Ningbo to prosper]
[Be prepared if flu spreads in Singapore]
[S'pore confirms 15th flu case]