Friday, June 12, 2009

Sianz sch is here and im not ready for it... HATE RP HATE SCH HATE ALL

heard from diana tat taiwan UNI NTNU can go sia somemore they provide u but u have to teach there for 2yrs but... i think its worth it... as long as u can GET OUT OF SG....
Watever... GPA mus at least 3.2? sianz i cant even get 2 for my grades... sianz immpossible for me... Sianz i hate the world...

[News] This time it shall not be a long de... short short de will do le

Let's start with SG ba...
- Singapore is one of the 10 most expensive cities in Asia for expatriates(to sent to exile?) to live.
- Globally, Singapore came in 72nd, up from being 114th in 2008.(watever, we are still poor who cares abt this damn ranking anyway)

- S'pore most liveable city in SEA ( U mus be joking, cannot go out late cos all shops and transport services end early sianz)
- Ranks 54th/140th worldwide by the Economist Intelligence Unit.
- 1st in SEA but not among asia la...

- Man had sex with girl, 15
- Both of them met online and chat about more than 3mth before meeting in person, after their 1st date, 2days later they had sex.
- Girl lodged a police report against him, stating that she had had sex with him on several occasions.
- Guy noes girl lodged a police report againest him but... still had sex again with her 5 days after the report was made. ZZzz
(Girl dunno y still have sex with guy after making a police report...)
(Guy stupid enuf)


- Earth may collide with Venus(dun undderstand) so if someone read it pls explain it to me... (thx)

- Child labour may go up ( see baka despo rc-addict papa dun be a child abuser la)
- The economic crisis could lead to increased exploitation of children, particularly girls, adding to the 218 million children who are already being forced to work.
- In particular, girls, some 100 million of whom are working instead of in school, could be the 'main losers' if the crisis deepens, said the report.
- cos ppl may chose to sent their sons to sch instead and their daughters to work.
- many girls are working in particularly risky sectors that are less visible or in domestic work. eg, prostitution, in which some 1.8 million children have been forced into.

- Pregnant 'man' miscarries (this is definately talking about despo papa)
- A SPANISH transsexual who was pregnant with twins has suffered a miscarriage, a Spanish newspaper said on Wednesday.
- But 25-year-old Ruben Noe Coronado, who was born a woman named Estefania and still has female sex organs, said he plans to try again (*note tat he is a she)
- He decided to try giving birth after doctors told his female partner she could not have any more children, Mr Coronado interrupted his sex-change procedure(injecting hormones i think) in order to get pregnant through artificial insemination.
- A law that went into effect last year allows Spaniards suffering from 'a sexual identity problem' and undergoing hormonal or endocrinal treatment to change their sexual status without undergoing surgery or a sex change. ( is tat gd... Zzzz)
- In the United States, a 35-year-old man who was born a woman before undergoing gender realignment surgery gave birth to a second child on Tuesday

- Woman sexually assaulted kids (now beware of everyone not juz man oni)
- A WOMAN(39yrs old with 2 kids) who worked at a nursery in Britain was charged on Wednesday with several counts of sexual assault and of making and distributing indecent images of children.
- Police said some of the indecent images could have been taken in the nursery and some had been taken on a camera phone. All the children featured - none of whom had yet been identified - were under four years old. (hhmmm suits me... 4yrs old and below yuummmy... as if)

- Banker murder 'crime of love'
- THE behaviour of a Frenchwoman who has admitted to killing a prominent French banker during a sado-masochist session corresponds to a 'crime of love,' a psychiatrist told a Geneva court on Thursday.
- Edouard Stern, 50, scion of one of France's wealthiest families and whose influential circle of friends included President Nicolas Sarkozy(in consulsion his's a RICH GUY LA), was found dead in March 2005 wearing a latex suit(woooo talk about dying pretty), with two bullet holes in the head and two in the torso.
- her defence pleads that it was a 'crime of passion' and not murder
- and blah blah blah so on...

