Saturday, July 24, 2010


"Gradually we become tired pf the old, of what we safely possess, and we stretch out our hands again. Even the most beautiful scenery is not longer assured of our love after we have lived in it for 3 months. and some more distant coast attracts our avarice: possessions are generally diminished by possession." - Nietzsche

Love is an ambiguous thing...
Love more and crave more and thus showing that you lack of love and thus you had to search for more love...
Either a eternal searching process that does not involve changes that applies that you want to find your (poetically speaking) other half or destine one and that your love for that will be opps.. FOREVER (hate this word).... or that it is a eternal search for something different that is from what the this upper part of blog's paragraph wrote...
Its really up to you...


Be like victor here...
he made a monster of his own..
U can be a better & more improvise version of him...
Make a more beautiful, tailor made "lover"?
Then you can make it love you which settles the part for eternal searching process that does not involve changes....
And you can dump it or remake it by input new personalities and sorta...
Which also can settle the part where you got bored of the "lover" and wants to find new ones...

Humans... all too Humans...
Awesomely dead...